This page includes our appearances in the press (sometimes it happens), as well as our contributions. We hope this is a way that you can get to know us better, from different angles.

Gwen: I was interviewed back in May 2014, and now in September just came across the published version of the interview online. Such is Google 🙂

A news network called RoosterGnn located me and interviewed me for their Expat section. This was fun, and I appreciate their interest. Here’s the article: “Navigate Bureaucracy with Patience”. Yep, that’s Spain. There are a couple of quotes that I think miss in their accuracy with regards to what I recall having stated. But, otherwise, I hope the article is interesting.

Here’s a quote from an article I wrote about Arribes: Everything Else is Noise, a documentary by Zev Robinson about a small village in the North of Spain that still conserves a slow, communal, agricultural lifestyle. At a time when one of our culture’s latest catch-words is “sustainability” and how to implement it, the village of Arribes just keeps on doing what it has been doing for centuries, in a self-contained, self-sufficient space. Here’s the Arribes: Everything Else is Noise page.

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