Title: We Are Many
Filmmaker: Amir Amirani
Producer: Amir Amirani
Year: 2020
Website: https://wearemany.com/
Synopsis: The inside story behind the first ever global demonstration, and its surprising and unreported legacy.
Goals: After successful screenings in theaters in the U.K., the filmmakers want to bring WAM to audiences across North America.
Main themes: Social issue; Politics; Anti-war; Movement building.
Core audience: Those who participated in the marches, anywhere in the world; anti-war and other activists; teachers, students, academics in sociology, politics, peace studies, movement building, civil rights, climate justice.
What we are doing: After a month of preliminary exploration and research, a full marketing and outreach campaign, leading to private and eventually public screenings. North America theatrical launch fall of 2020.
Key results: North America Premiere September 21: virtual music, film screening and panel discussion event with 1.5K+ ticket sales through independent theaters and partner organizations.